Friday, April 15, 2016

For the Love of Life we are dealt

Well as always it has been a while since my last post, I have been down with my back and really didn't get to go anywhere but the doctor. I didn't get to even sweep my house as the doctor didn't want me twisting my back or bending. I was in so much pain that I was nauseated. I was so bad I couldn't sit at my craft table at all. I ended up getting x-rays and found out I have degenerative disc disease or DDD Great! I guess I'm getting old bummer. Anyway I ended up at a Chiropractor and I have never been to one ever. I really was kind of scared to go but he did wonders on my back from a pain level of 9 to a 2. I still have times when I need to sit a while but so much better. I've had pain for such a long time that you get into a funk in your brain because you don't feel good and now that things are better I need to get into a better frame of mind and Be Happy!! I could be so much worse in life and we all need to be thankful for the life we have been given. Some people in this world don't have very good health and a lot of that could be due to their frame of mind. I'm going to start back at the Y and working out again and eating right and you can hold me to it and you can also be my support. I have a wedding to go to next March and I'm going to be in much better health by then.
      I was able to go down to my mom and dads this week and take my mom out her her birthday. I took her to a Tea House in Danville, Indiana called "The Porch" very quaint place and had really good prices and great food. Mom had chicken salad sandwich and potato soup and I had a wonderful salad and potato soup all homemade if you live close you should go. And then that same night we ended up in the hospital with my mom with high blood pressure and very high heart rate. Not the way we thought the day would end. The doctor is sure she has Afibulation and is on a heart monitor for two weeks and then will go to her heart doctor for next step. She was in the hospital just in Jan for the same reason but they didn't catch the irregular heart rate then but she went in with high blood pressure and fast heartbeat. go figure.

      I am working on a Subbie challenge my first and also a box swap for INSPIRE LAUGH CREATE of Facebook it has been fun making the box and I'm still working on it. I'd say I might be half way done. I just received my Granted wish from jellyfishcreations from craftlori's Let the Wishing Begin on YouTube I asked for some lace to use on the box I'm doing.
This is only the beginning of the box

     I have to add to this blog one other thing. I think it is so sad that adult people can't come together and forgive each other for whatever reason. Life is to short to think you are right and the other person is wrong for whatever reason it might be. I feel bad for everyone involved. We had a mom at church who passed this week and she was someone I held high because of her love for Christ and the love she had for her husband and her darling two children. For 4 1/2 years she fought hard to beat the cancer she had but in the end God had bigger plans for her and she knew it up to the end. She turned to her husband and said " Gods got this" When she passed it was a shock and I was sad. I knew she was with our Lord and well again and beautiful. But my sadness was for the kids and her husband. We will be there for them they have a great support group at church. It will be different now that mom is gone or his wife is not next to her husband. We will miss you so much you were a big part of your church and family. May we meet again someday. You were amazing.

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